It’s the first taste of music from the anonymous new collective, neonPPL.
A collective of some of Nashville’s top songwriters, musicians and producers have teamed up to create neonPPL, an anonymous group formed to promote and spread the message of inclusivity in music. The group plans to release songs with a rotating cast of guest vocalists — and their first song, “beYOUtiful,” is a poppy, empowering anthem featuring Lindsay Ell, Danielle Bradbery, Joy Williams and an anonymous artist from the collective.
Readers can press play above to listen to the upbeat tune. The chorus soars: “You’re the only one who can be you so do you the best you can / Wake up, breathe in, breath out and then / BeYOUtiful …”
Rather than creating a chart-topping hit, neonPPL is focused on creating music with a united voice that spreads the message that we’re all in this together. “When everyone feels like an outcast, no one really is,” the nameless founder adds. “I’ve never met anyone that feels like they simply ‘fit in’ in life. The more people know that we are all experiencing the same, the more maybe people will see the similarities in each other.”
“beYOUtiful” is the first taste of what the collective plans to release moving forward. Rather than focusing on one artist, neonPPL say that the message is the most important thing.
“We wanted the singular voice of awesomeness to be heard. That doesn’t mean that we are awesome but that a positive message is,” the collective explains. “Sometimes it’s easy to overlook that in a competitive environment to get the ‘next big hit.'”
This Article Was Originally Posted at www.TheBoot.com