Houston Gaither Re-Upped At KTGX/Tulsa


Houston Gaither

iHEARTMEDIA Country KTGX (106.2 THE TWISTER)/TULSA  APD/MD/Afternoon personality HOUSTON GAITHER tells ALL ACCESS he’s just inked a new, three-year deal with the station. “Exciting news,” says GAITHER. “In honor of the ASTROS recent WORLS SERIES Championship, ‘HOSUTON’ is inked to a new three-year deal keeping him in our bullpen through 2020!”

GAITHER clarifies: he’s named for his grandfather, not the city. “But, the Grandfather was named for the city; in a roundabout way, he now celebrates with the city, with a much smaller parade.”  GAITHER joined KTGX in 2016, following time at SCRIPPS crosstown Country KWEN (NET NEWS 2/2/16). Send congrats here.

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This Article Was Originally Posted at www.allaccess.com
