A word about woodwinds

By Rama – Own work, CC BY-SA 2.0 fr

The woodwind group of instruments is very diverse in its timbre and technical capabilities. As such people often use these instruments in epic royalty free music. Starting with the first quarter of the nineteenth century, the importance of this group increases, and orchestral literature is enriched by a number of expressive solo and woodwind exhibitions. Around the same time, woodwind instruments began to regularly appear in these orchestras.

The tone of each of the woodwind is very uneven and this fact is not bad for epic royalty free music. Throughout the range (scale) of each of the woodwind instruments, they can be conditioned to distinguish three register tones. This circumstance has allowed many fine composers to use different timbre capabilities of each of these tools, mixing in various combinations of voices of two, three or more instruments and a variety of matching cases and so on. Pointing to these woodwind features, Rimsky-Korsakov (‘Fundamentals of orchestration’) notes that each of these tools has its own area of ‘expression of the game’ in which the instrument most capable to shades, changes the dynamics subtle nuances *I wasn’t sure here too but that’s what I would of wrote, but please double check if you can with another person perhaps*. This area lies primarily in the range of the average instrument register. Outside of the “expressive playing field” it can provide only composer tonal colours, with more limited dynamic shades.

The sounding body in a wind instrument is the air that fills the body of the instrument. Under the influence of the special (the causative agent (sound-the adjustable) column of air enclosed in the tool starts to make periodic oscillations, creating a musical sound of a certain height. This kind of sound occurrence can be observed in the buzz of the wind in the chimney. The timbre of the instrument depends on:

1. The forms of the volume of air enclosed in the instrument that gives a different look.
2. Type of sound formation.
3. On the material from which the instrument is made. All woodwind instruments group consists of a wooden tube with holes drilled along the instrument body.

Some of the holes are closed by valves. When all the holes are closed, the instrument gives the lowest sound. The main tone of its range is due to the fact that current ranges (“sounds”) occur when the entire column of air is enclosed in the instrument.

As each hole is opened the column of air enclosed in the instrument is shortened, and we obtain full chromatic scale within an octave (for example, a flute). For higher sounds, within two, three or more octaves you can apply a special method. The height of the main tone of the instrument depends on tube length: the sound of the instrument will be lower when the tube is longer. Air injection can be made strongly and weakly. If you blow air strongly, the air column enclosed and instrument comes in a significant fluctuation and splits into two, and if more stronger blowing has three or more parts, making the basic sound increase by the interval octave. Thus, there is a full volume of the instrument. When you play epic royalty free music you can play only one note when you play woodwind instrument. Later, in the future you can face the meaning of “Transposing instruments”. For a variety of technical reasons, and due to some historical background some of the woodwind instruments must be read below or above a certain range, as compared to how it was written on paper.

This Article Was Originally Posted at www.NashvilleGab.com
