A Christmas Message for Children From Pop Star Lilia Mai

Lilia Mai, photo credit: Elena Kalinina

A Christmas Message for Children follows here from Pop Star Lilia Mai in this Exclusive Interview with The Hollywood Sentinel.

I was born with strong faith in God in my heart…that faith grew bigger and bigger. For me, God is the creator of all the beauty, love and miracles in this world; yet even much more deeper.”

— Lilia Mai

MALIBU, CALIFORNIA, USA, December 15, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ — Beginning singing at the mere age of four years old, the stunningly gifted singer Lilia Mai is as equally beautiful–as she is talented. With a level of maturity and sophistication well beyond her 25 years of age, Lilia has performed on stages around the world, traveling to over 40 countries.

An Exclusive Interview with Lilia Mai by www.HollywoodSentinel.com

Hollywood Sentinel: It is almost Christmas; a magical, special time for children. What Christmas message would give to children who have such dreams as you have achieved, but are being held back, and told they can’t succeed?

Lilia Mai: I would tell all the children; There is only one person who knows what you are made of, who feels what your true destiny is–and this person is ‘you’! That is why you should trust yourself. If you are sure that it’s what you have to do, then you you need to be strong, in order to fight for your dreams! Of course you can succeed! If God gave you the talent, then the world surely needs it! Work hard, always stay kind-hearted, and believe in the Almighty, because He believes in you. And I do too. Christmas-time is full of miracles, just like every single day is full of opportunities!

Hollywood Sentinel: Very nice. They say that love is the universal language–so are the arts and music. You give the world both through your songs. What inspires you to write such beautiful songs?

Lilia Mai: Feelings that I have, but can’t reveal directly to the person I love. Sometimes I feel much more than the words are able to express. I want to keep forever all of the beautiful moments from this life in my songs. So; love, art, gratitude, sunsets, stars in the night sky, passion, tenderness, sunrises, even some social themes inspire me.

Hollywood Sentinel: Beautiful. What makes you laugh and most happy?

Lilia Mai: My little son is my best friend, he makes me laugh and he makes me the most happy. 
Happiness is all about the moments; Getting wet from a strong rain, a beautiful kiss, catching snowflakes, seeing, or just thinking about the one you love, caring about the one you love, music, being useful, making others feel better.

Hollywood Sentinel: Lovely. What makes you sad and cry?

Lilia Mai: Injustice. I always feel sorry for suffering people; children, and animals–it often makes me cry. Also; even a song, book, film, or performance can make me cry. I’m filled with emotion. Wars, genocides, shedding of innocent people’s blood, certain historical moments–a lot of these things are just breaking my heart. As David Jones stated, “It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply.”

Hollywood Sentinel: Amazing. Is the world a more safer or dangerous place?

Lilia Mai: This is a very complicated and controversial question, because on one hand, we have better education, medicine, and science which make our lives simpler and safer. On the other hand, modern society lacks more spirituality and culture, and this sad fact leads to the rise of extremism–such as Islamic terrorism, totalitarianism, and dissoluteness at the same time. In my opinion, the only way to solve these problems is to increase the spiritual and cultural level of people around the world.

Hollywood Sentinel: Incredible. How would you teach a child love?

Lilia Mai: Just Love them with all your heart! Pay attention and care for them. Pray for them. That’s all matters–that they feel Love.

Hollywood Sentinel: Nice. Is it better to turn the other cheek, or fight fire with fire, or both?

Lilia Mai: It depends on the situation. Sometimes one needs to fight, but sometimes it’s better to turn the other cheek. There are different interpretations of this from the Bible actually. Times have changed, and we are living in a world that differs greatly from the one in which Leo Tolstoy– who shared the ideas of non-resistance, lived in.

Hollywood Sentinel: Who is God to you? Have you always had faith in a creator?

Lilia Mai: I was born with strong faith in God in my heart as I remember myself, but with each year of my life, that faith grew bigger and bigger. Through Love and pain it happened. For me, God is the creator of all the beauty, love and miracles in this world– yet even much more deeper.

Hollywood Sentinel: Interesting. How would you teach a person to have faith?

Lilia Mai: You can’t teach someone to have faith. It is something that a person should feel and realize by himself. Still, the best way to teach, is to be evident as an example of a faithful person.

Hollywood Sentinel: Agreed. Have you ever fallen in love with, or had a crush on a famous singer or actor?

Lilia Mai: I have fallen in love only with a real man I knew. When you feel love, this person becomes absolutely the one and only, better than all the actors and singers in the whole world. But I’ve had a crush on personalities from films and books (laughs) that’s a different thing! Keanu Reeves, and Leonardo DiCaprio have been my favorite actors my whole life. They are absolutely great!

Hollywood Sentinel: Some people will be celebrating Christmas soon. Some others don’t believe in this. Assuming you believe in evil, what is the greatest evil in the world? How can it be stopped?

Lilia Mai: Love and God–that is all we need to stop it. 

Hollywood Sentinel: Nice. What excites you about life? What do you live for?

Lilia Mai: That nothing is impossible! It’s exiting, isn’t it? I live for God, for love, for my family, for the people who I love and who need my help. I do want to succeed in my mission to bring the light to this world through my songs and actions.

Visit the Official Lilia Mai website at:

Press / Media and talent booking, contact: Starpower Management at (011)-310-226-7176 in Los Angeles, California.

Bruce Edwin
Hollywood Sentinel Public Relations
email us here

Lilia Mai: Flying in Dreams (Official Video)

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This Article Was Originally Posted at www.einnews.com
