Baseball caps and blue jeans were in such profusion at the Luke Combs party Wednesday afternoon (Jan. 24) that it looked like a fashion show at Tractor Supply.
Held in the reception hall of BMI’s Nashville headquarters, the celebration spotlighted Combs’ recent No. 1 single — “When It Rains It Pours” — which he co-wrote with Ray Fulcher and Walker McGuire’s Jordan Walker. All three songwriters attended.
When It Rains It Pours by Luke Combs on VEVO.
“Let’s get these three heartbroken guys on stage,” cracked BMI’s Bradley Collins, who hosted the event, after explaining to the crowd that “When It Rains” is the story of a potential heartbreak that turns instead into an emotional bonanza.
For Combs, Collins continued, “When It Rains” was his second No. 1 (his first being “Hurricane”) and for Fulcher and Walker, their first. In keeping with BMI tradition, Fulcher and Walker were presented guitars for their breakthrough achievement.
Combs agreeably held his co-writers’ beer bottles as they stepped forward to accept their guitars and pose for pictures.
Collins asserted that Combs’ music is “changing the country music landscape.” Mike Molinar, Combs’ publisher, agreed, asserting that “When It Rains” is “at the core of Luke’s spirit.”
Before and after the presentations, guests clustered around the wine and beer bar or grazed along the alluring buffet table that Susan’s Catering had provisioned with shrimp cocktail and spicy cocktail sauce, cheeses, savory cheesecake, fresh fruit, antipasto skewers with avocado hummus, mini corn muffins stuffed with jalapeno pimento cheese and brownie and key lime bites.
After accepting various trophies and the crowd’s applause, Combs observed, “Having your second No. 1 is almost cooler than having your first one. It lets you know you can do it again.”
This Article Was Originally Posted at www.CMT.com