Televangelist Jim Bakker threatens viewers’ grandkids with eternal damnation unless they buy his pancake mix

Trump’s abysmal job approval drops for the third straight month in a row

Indiana GOP councilman charged with 3 counts of child molestation after allegedly assaulting two ten-year-old girls

WATCH: Alabama voter malfunctions when asked to prove conspiracy theory on Moore accusers

‘Jeff Sessions is in trouble’: Ted Lieu warns Trump admin’s attorney general is in deep

Video showing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones making racial comment surfaces

Watch Bill Maher obliterate ‘Too creepy for an Alabama mall’ Roy Moore for stalking teen girls

‘Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi’: Colbert uses Hannity’s own soundbites to create crazy fake Hillary Clinton chart

Nurses laugh as 89-year-old man dies in viral video

Tennessee Baptist Convention bans church for not ‘cooperating’ by hiring female pastor
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