Well-Wishes For Mark Grantin


Mark Grantin

ALL ACCESS sends well-wishes to SCRIPPS Country KTTS/SPRINGFIELD, MO PD MARK GRANTIN, who is undergoing treatment for a cancer cell that has traveled to his brain. GRANTIN shared the news via FACEBOOK this morning (1/24), saying, “I have a cancer cell that’s traveled to my brain. It’s caused sweeling in my head around the cell causing me to have stroke-like symptoms…I saw the CT scan with a radiology oncologist, and it’s pretty significant.” This is GRANTIN’s third battle with cancer cells, following victorious fights against lung cancer cells in 2013 (NET NEWS 9/5/13) and again in 2015 (NET NEWS 3/31/15).

GRANTIN has started on steroids to reduce the swelling, and once swelling has gone down, will start on a course of radiation to blast the cancer cell. “It’s pretty easy and impressive,” shared GRANTIN. “I have a ton of confidence in the radiology oncologist…Thanks for all your positive vibes and prayers. YOU are part of my team!” Send your best to GRANTIN here.

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