Michael Shawn Hartman, photo credit:
Country Singer Michael Shawn Hartman Condemns Latest Movement by California NAACP to Ban the U.S. National Anthem
— Michael Shawn Hartman
MALIBU, CALIFORNIA, USA, November 8, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ — The California Branch of the NAACP reportedly wants to end the National Anthem. California chapter president Alice Huffman recently reportedly stated that the National Anthem is racist, referring to one of its lines, according to CBS News, in the third stanza, which reportedly reads, “No refuge could save the hireling and slave from the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave.” She said it won’t kill anyone if it is totally ended. Country star Michael Shawn Hartman stated, “Really? You want to end the American National Anthem, and at American National sporting events? This shows who the real racist is.” The singer adds, “Go to another country if you hate this one so much and what it stands for!”
Many sports stars and sports teams across the country were earlier this summer and fall, jumping on the latest trend of kneeling in protest during the traditional singing of America’s National Anthem. What started with the act of one player, has now turned into a trend, which was recently even mimicked in support by the cast of TV’s new Star Trek’s cast, who put on social media, a group picture of them all kneeling.
President Trump aggressively came out against the latest trend of ‘taking the knee,’ calling it shameful how team owners are supporting this act of defiance, and how players engaging in such conduct should be fired. In turn, numerous team players, team owners, and media have criticised the U.S. President for his position.
Country singer Michael Shawn Hartman, whose father was a veteran of World War II, states that he stands with the president, and condemns the latest trend of ‘taking the knee.’ “It’s a blatant show of disrespect of our flag, of our country, and of our forefathers, and the freedom they fought for, Michael Shawn Hartman says.” Many others, including Psychic to the Stars Rose Stuart, agrees. She states, “These people that keep insulting our President, and disrespecting our country, are making a mockery out of us. They are weakening America in the eyes of the world, and if they keep it up, pretty soon we won’t have any country left. They should go over to China or North Korea if they hate America so much, and see how they like it over there.”
Recently, Michael Shawn Hartman launched his “Faith, Freedom, Country” organization, which aims to bring back positive messages in country music, and to help bring back a common respect for the USA, religion, each other, and country music. He even recently launched a new merchandise line, promoting just that, which are selling out rapidly, found on his official website.
Media expert Michael Levine, who has given council to three U.S. President, and publisher of Levine Breaking News, reported recently that, unlike what CNN stated, statistics dropped greatly for NFL viewership, since the recent acts of protest, and since Trump’s comments. Michael Levine stated that sports fans go to escape politics–not be bombarded by politics.
Pop singer Lady GaGa is seen in the video below, singing a powerful version of the American National Anthem.
The First Lady in the News
In other news, upon arrival in Japan, First Lady Melania Trump joined her husband at Yokota Air Base to thank members of the military for all they do to protect the United States. Mrs. Trump and her husband ended the day at a private couples dinner at Ukai-Tei with Prime Minister and Mrs. Abe. The President and First Lady later traveled to the Imperial Palace to meet with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, followed by an Honor Guard Ceremony at Akasaka Palace with Prime Minister and Mrs. Abe. The First Lady re-joined her husband and they took part in a meeting with families of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea. Then Mrs. Trump attended a joint press conference with her husband and Prime Minister Abe. The day ended with a state banquet at Akasaka Palace.
“I enjoyed the time I was able to spend in Japan,” states First Lady Melania Trump. “It was a pleasure to once again spend time with Mrs. Abe, and discuss many of the issues facing each of our nations. I learned so much about the rich traditions and history of this beautiful country, and want to personally thank Prime Minister and Mrs. Abe for being such gracious hosts.”
Michael Shawn Hartman says that whether one agrees with or likes the President and First Lady or not, they should be respectful of them. “This is our President and First Lady,” the singer says, “Show some respect!” And he adds, “People need to show more respect for our country–period!”
Recently named “The Next Johnny Cash,” (NEWS BLAZE), rising country star Michael Shawn Hartman was heard recently in the media (FOX NEWS), suggesting that America’s self-esteem had been damaged by criticizing America and our U.S. President. Michael Shawn Hartman has stunningly learned to play over 500 songs, and as a “masterful songwriter” (HOLLYWOOD SENTINEL) has written nearly 100 new songs, with several of his newly released tracks, now on his website found below, being called “brilliant” by numerous critics.
Michael Shawn Hartman keeps his voice in top shape, training with former American Idol Vocal Coach to the Stars Peisha McPhee, mother of pop star Katharine McPhee, who performed for The Obama’s at The White House. Michael is now working on a new song, paying tribute to America, titled “We Are Americans,” which he is also currently working on a music video for.
When asked what his life philosophy is, Michael admits, “My philosophy is don’t take advantage of people, and be comfortable with everything around me. I try be the fairest I can to everybody.” Hartman adds, “Country music makes me happy when I hear it. It makes me feel good. I want to do the same for people. I want to make people happy and feel good with my music, and I have been told that’s just what I do!” For more information visit www.mikehartmanmusic.com
Bruce Edwin
Hollywood Sentinel Public Relations
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Lady Ga Ga Sings American National Anthem
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