Late on Thursday night (Nov. 2), Tucker Beathard posted a note on social media about his first full-length studio album. And he did it with kind of a full-length explanation.
Beathard, a relative newcomer, has already released an EP and two singles: “Rock On” and “Momma and Jesus.” But on Nov. 17, his fans and followers will get to hear the rest. And judging from his post about the music, it’s going to be all kinds of honest. It’s called Dear Someone.
“Dear someone,” Beathard wrote.
“Music has always been my identity. It’s what makes me feel like I belong. It’s where I can pour out all my emotions and not feel judged … when I was younger, writing songs and being able to let it all out on drums and guitar probably saved my life.”
Beathard also hints at the fact that the road to here was a long one, but that the journey taught him that sticking to his guns is not easy.
“It’s been a great gut check for me, and I’ve learned a lot. The most important thing being that I can’t be anyone I’m not,” he said.
And the reason why he gave the album its name is because it’s going to sound like he’s written a letter just to you, whoever you are.
“I named the album Dear Someone because it’s full of honest messages written from my heart to whoever is listening, whoever might feel a little different or maybe a little misunderstood, like me,” he said.
This Article Was Originally Posted at www.CMT.com