TOWNSQUARE MEDIA/WYOMING has named former CONNOISSEUR MEDIA Rock WWSK (94.3 THE SHARK)/SMITHTOWN, LONG ISLAND, NY PD DON HARRISON as OM for its CHEYENNE and LARAMIE markets, including Country KLEN (106.3 COWBOY COUNTRY), News-Talk KGAB-A, and Classic Rock KIGN (101.9 KING FM)/CHEYENNE and News-Talk KOWB0A and Country KCGY (Y-95 COUNTRY)/LARAMIE. In addition, TOWNSQUARE has extended OM DONOVAN SHORT’s services through 2020.
SHORT said, “We’ve been on the hunt for a strong leader to build on the great things happening with our teams on WYOMING’s front range, and were fortunate to connect with a talented programmer like DON, who truly gets the TOWNSQUARE approach and is excited about putting down some WYOMING roots –- can’t wait to set the table for 2018.”
“I almost moved to FLORIDA in late AUGUST/early SEPTEMBER but HURRICANE IRMA made me reevaluate because my next destination needed to be a place to settle down and call home,” said HARRISON. “I quickly identified TOWNSQUARE MEDIA as a company in the top echelon of the radio industry and was determined to be part of something special. Fortunately, my patience paid off when some OM positions opened up this fall. Thanks to KURT JOHNSON, DONOVAN SHORT, LESLIE HILL, JORDAN DAWSON and BOB PRICE for providing an amazing opportunity to manage a couple TOWNSQUARE clusters and live in one of the most beautiful, healthiest areas in country –- hot springs, snow-capped mountains, GRAND TETONS, YELLOWSTONE -– WYOMING is a natural wonderland!”
“Working alongside our WYOMING crew, most of all WYOMING Market Pres. BOB PRICE, has been the highlight of my career,” added SHORT. “As my ‘radio odometer’ gets ready to turn over 20 years with these brands next year, I’m mindful that it’s rare in our biz to get an opportunity to stay in one place for that amount of time, which speaks to a great team and a pretty incredible place to call home. Thanks to BUFFALO BOB, BILL WILSON, DHRUV PRASAD, ERIK HELLUM, KURT JOHNSON and KEVIN GODWIN for the confidence, excited to be in the ‘TOWNSQUARE’ for more years to come.”
This Article Was Originally Posted at www.allaccess.com