An autopsy report for Stephen Paddock — the man who open fired on the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas and killed 58 people — offers no clues or motive for the massacre.
The Associated Press reveals that the 64-year-old gunman was not under the influence of drugs or other substances when he shot at the crowd during Jason Aldean‘s event-closing set, injuring 800 people. The autopsy shows that Paddock did have anti-anxiety drugs in his system, but was not under the influence of them.
Paddock was believed to be bi-polar, but refused to discuss that possibility his doctor told police. The AP alleges that the doctor offered him antidepressants, but that “Paddock would only accept a prescription for anxiety medication. Paddock was fearful of medication and often refused to take it.”
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Paddock is described as germophobic — he reacted strongly to smells and told friends and relatives that he always felt ill, in pain and fatigued, the report furthers. No information was unmasked that could explain his decision to open fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay casino on Oct. 1, 2017.
Previous reports state that 23 rifles and a handgun were found in his hotel suite. Additionally, more than a dozen of the rifles were fitted with “bump stock” devices that allow the gun to shoot like an automatic weapon. The shooter’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, told police he became distant in the year leading up to the incident. Both Danley and another man named Douglas Haig are persons of interest in the ongoing investigation.
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This Article Was Originally Posted at www.TasteofCountry.com