Former BEASLEY Country KCYE/LAS VEGAS PD/morning personality KRIS DANIELS has been tapped for similar duties at Internet-based COUNTRY AF RADIO, an extension of LAS VEGAS-based nightclub STONEY’S ROCKIN’ COUNTRY. The channel is set for a THURSDAY, MARCH 1st launch.
DANIELS left KCYE in AUGUST after four years with the station (NET NEWS 8/22). She had voluntarily stepped down from the PD role in LAS VEGAS in 2016, but ended up retaining those duties in early 2017. DANIELS’ radio resume includes MD/mornings at SUMMIT MEDIA Country WQNU/LOUISVILLE, with additional stops in TUCSON, FRESNO, and BAKERSFIELD. During her radio career, DANIELS continued pursuing her education, earning her Masters degree in 2015 and enabling her to become a licensed marriage and family therapist.
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