Any woman who’s been pregnant will happily share the discomfort of the final few weeks before baby makes his or her debut—and Jessie James Decker is no different in this regard, discussing some of her particular third-trimester woes on Instagram for fans to relate to.
The singer/actress is an old pro at this pregnancy thing by now, as this baby marks her third child with NFL pro husband Eric Decker. However, as she shares, it doesn’t matter how many times one goes through it, some things remain the same.
“Working on week 33! Sleeping is now not possible. Can’t get comfortable at all,” she gripes. “He feels so low that I spend all night getting up to pee or to move from side to side. He also hiccups the strongest out of my 3 and all night long. But even though it’s been tough have to stop and realize this is my last baby and how special it’s been.
“We are SO excited to meet him,” she adds. “Got baby boys clothes all washed now and put away (all Bubbys old baby clothes) and got some new cool sleeper cribs etc. the stuff they keep coming out with blows my mind! Got my pumps out and bottles too! In a few weeks will get my hospital bag ready. Because I grow such big babies after I hit 36 weeks i know it can be any day since I’ve gone 2 weeks early with both!”
Decker’s new arrival, a son, will join big sister Vivianne (who will be 4 in March) and big brother Eric Jr. (2). She documented how well she can rock pregnancy in the fun video “Flip My Hair,” which sparked chatter among the country music community in January.
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This Article Was Originally Posted at www.TasteofCountry.com