Wait. You can get hay bales in the mail? Who knew? Well, Jerrod Niemann must have.
Because in the latest issue of industry publication Country Aircheck, Niemann admitted to the most redneck thing he’s done.
“I had a hay bale mailed to me from my hometown,” Niemann said. “I partnered with Corsair for some sunflower seed whiskey, so we got the ingredients from Liberal, Kansas and I had my friend from a farm I used to work on send me a bale that they actually used in the aromatics in the whiskey process.”
That may be pretty redneck, but it’s also pretty genius; especially if you want your whiskey to taste like home.
Elsewhere in the interview, Niemann talks about the song he wishes he’d written. It’s Conway Twitty’s “That’s My Job” written by Gary Burr.
“That’s my favorite song. It hit me like a ton of bricks and made me realize the time we have on earth with everybody is precious,” he said of the 1987 hit.
Niemann calls his own songs — especially the new ones from his This Ride album — the next chapter for him. Like his latest single “I Got This,” that Rodney Clawson, Luke Dick and Cole Taylor wrote.
“My new music is the next chapter in my life, a snapshot of where I am,” he said. “My lyrics are stronger, and we’ve done our best to prop up those lyrics with the coolest vibes and sounds we could come up with. I hope everybody at radio will check it out.”
This Article Was Originally Posted at www.CMT.com