ALL ACCESS has confirmed that TELEMEDIA BROADCASTING Country WGRX/FREDERICKSBURG, VA morning co-host JEREMY GREY has left the station, effective today (11/30). GREY commented on his departure with a FACEBOOK post, saying, “I will always appreciate and be forever grateful for you, the listener, for letting me into your life every single morning … I will still be very active on social media and other platforms. My pursuits in this life are not ending, but just getting started.”
GREY joined WGRX in 2015, after handling part-time at CURTIS MEDIA Country WQDR/RALEIGH for nearly five years. He tells ALL ACCESS he’s ready for his next radio adventure, and is available immediately; reach him here.
A station spokesperson says BLUE remains in mornings with plans for a co-host yet to be announced.
This Article Was Originally Posted at www.allaccess.com