When Jake Owen made the decision to chop his flowing locks at the end of 2014, the singer probably didn’t realize it would cause such a sensation. After all, many guys with longer hair do the same thing, without any fuss, whenever the mood strikes.
Owen’s surfer-boy mane clearly was in a different category of its own, however…one that clearly had its own fanbase! Following his haircut, it seemed Owen was being asked more about his hair than his music in interviews (for what it’s worth, he credited/blamed his mom for the change, who allegedly urged him to cut it). Having had the long, beachy style for years, it proved to be more of a trademark than perhaps even he expected.
Owen has shunned long locks since then, going even shorter in March of 2015 and maintaining a trimmed style.
However, it seems he’s planning on making waves yet again with the hair thing, based on a post he threw up on social media Jan. 5.
So there you have it, ladies. Looks as if Owen’s luscious locks will be coming back. Watch this space—er, head!
There have been some hints that Owen might have been contemplating a new ‘do. In a photo he posted to social media on New Year’s Day posing with his daughter Pearl, the hair looks a little bushier on top than normal.
In non-hair-related news, Owen announced in November that he would be joining the roster of Big Loud Records, a move that reunited him with the producer of his breakthrough album, 2011’s Barefoot Blue Jean Night.
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