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Automotive vertical specific lead company launches in-market auto-intender email marketing services specifically for dealer groups and franchise owners.
— John Colascione
NEW YORK, NY, USA, February 22, 2018 /EINPresswire.com/ — Today, Cars Digital Inc., a Commack NY based car dealer ad agency has announced the launch of its email marketing services division, an innovative new endeavor which focuses specifically on delivering highly targeted email marketing campaigns to consumers on behalf of automotive dealers looking to reach “in-market auto-intenders”.
“A survey of US marketers conducted by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) and Demand Metric found that email had more than four times higher ROI than other marketing formats, including social media, direct mail and paid search.” said John Colascione, CEO. “This cannot be ignored and dealers should recognize that email marketing is a critical and strategic component of any small business marketing plan. Not only that, but the ability to segment your email lists and individualize campaign messaging are the most effective personalization tactics, which is why these campaigns target in-market auto-intenders” he added.
Campaigns can target consumers by the following criteria: Persons current or previous Car Make, Car Model, Car Year, Age, Income, Gender, Occupation, Geo Location, Political Affiliation, Marital Status, Presence of Children, Education Level, Ethnicity, Religion, Spoken Language, Pet Owner, Credit Rating, Net Worth, Value Conscience, Political Affiliation, Housing Information, Music Preferences, Career Title, Sports Interest, Leisure Activities & Hobbies, Online Activities (search habits, interest, etc.)
About Cars Digital Inc.,
Cars Digital Inc., is a automotive subsidiary company of Long Island Media Inc., a certified CDK Global Partner, registered BBB Company and Google Certified Agency. The mission of Cars Digital is to develop proprietary tools and software which help used automotive dealers connect with local shoppers through strategic digital advertising.
For more information on Cars Digital Inc. please visit http://www.carsdigital.com
John Colascione
Cars Digital Inc.
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