LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, UNITED STATES, November 30, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ — When women are healthy, they’re happy. And when women are happy, they can be more productive in their family lives and in their career.
So if you had information on a breakthrough product that could change a woman’s life, would you share it?
When Bonita C. Smith discovered Cherish products, her answer was a resounding yes.
Bonita is a founding independent distributor for Nspire Network, a multi-level marketing company specializing in health-related products, including an all-natural feminine sanitary napkin called CherishTM.
“We are mission-driven people and our mission is to bring awareness to young ladies about the chemicals and toxins we have been exposed to in regular sanitary napkins,” says Bonita. “We are not supposed to cramp. It’s not a natural symptom. Although we don’t make medical claims, we find when women switch to CherishTM their cramping goes away.”
According to Bonita, women would be shocked to learn what regular sanitary napkins are made of; they are essentially processed trash, newspaper ink and wood fibers. As a result, they typically release a chemical called dioxin. There is evidence to suggest dioxin can contribute to irritation, infection, UTIs, even uterine or ovarian cancer.
One of the founders of Nspire Network, Demond Coleman, traveled to the Philippines and discovered the women were not experiencing feminine issues as we do here in the United States.
“They have been using this technology for over 20 years,” Bonita explains. “They use an anion strip, which releases negative ions. Their flows are decreased, it pH balances their body and even boosts the immune system.”
Compared to the leading national products on the market, Bonita says CherishTM products are more absorbent, comfortable and stay dry longer. And the products are made with 100% cotton, so women don’t have to worry about any toxins or chemicals in their most private areas.
“I call it a magic pad,” says Bonita. “It’s a game-changer. I want to be a change agent for women.”
Launched in May 2017, Nspire Network promotes CherishTM Products through focus groups and in-home demonstrations.
“The response has been overwhelming,” says Bonita. “We’ve got so many testimonials that have been pouring in from women and girls around the world. Most of them said that their cramps went away, feminine flow has decreased and they are dry for hours. Any way that we can get the word out to spread the awareness, to bring people together to learn about the Now We No Movement, meaning No More Chemicals or toxins in our feminine products, we are on a mission to educate and bring awareness with 5K Runs and other activities.”
CUTV News Radio will feature Bonita C. Smith in an interview with Doug Llewelyn on December 1st at 3pm EST.
Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio.
If you have a question for our guest, call (347) 996-3389.
For more information on Nspire Network, visit http://www.dontcrampmystyle.info
Lou Ceparano
(631) 850-3314
email us here
This Article Was Originally Posted at www.einnews.com