In case you haven’t heard, People named Blake Shelton the Sexist Man Alive on Tuesday (Nov. 14). And he was quick to post about it on Twitter — six times — earning him a total of nearly 50,000 likes in the past 12 hours.
First he announced the news, saying “Thank you @people!!!! Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” Then in a series of unsexy tweets, he got the hashtag #DontHateMeBecauseImBeautiful trending. Shelton even got his own emoji, but it’s hard to do the 6’5″ country star justice with a tiny little pictograph.
Thank you @people!!!! Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful… https://t.co/rX6GCGTO3U pic.twitter.com/uWwV0KxjVV
— Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) November 15, 2017
I have the hiccups… And they sound so sexy. #donthatemebecauseimbeautiful
— Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) November 15, 2017
FINALLY I got my own emoji!!!! #donthatemebecauseimbeautiful #BlakeShelton pic.twitter.com/owTeJu7rIx
— Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) November 15, 2017
The power of @hodakotb..#donthatemebecauseimbeautiful https://t.co/YhNErl2nF0
— Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) November 15, 2017
I just made a drink.. A sexy drink. #donthatemebecauseimbeautiful
— Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) November 15, 2017
Thank you my good looking associate… I shall take your advice.#donthatemebecauseimbeautiful https://t.co/KvKdIeRJ6I
— Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) November 15, 2017
But even though he sounded proud of the honor on social media, it also comes as a little bit of a surprise to Shelton. “I think to describe myself as a child, one word comes to mind. And that’s fat,” Shelton said. “People say I haven’t changed since before I made it. And I’m still fat today. That’s proof!”
This Article Was Originally Posted at www.CMT.com